Model timberpod 

More space needed?

  • edgy and modern architecture
  • wooden, cosy
  • even bigger and more versatile

Model TimberPod

With a bigger floor space if it is needed.


...where they make sense.

A traditional dovetail joint combined with a hinge results in a positioning and powerful joint. An invisible powerfull joint is a perfect solution. Simple but new in the Timber Tube. 

The steel Stripes will not be necessary in the future are abandoned and optimize the optical appearance.

Proven, patented details

From its foot to the gable. 

The TimberPod is also constructed with patented details and therefore lives up to long-lasting and hiqh standards. More usage and long-lasting joy. 

The concept is broad



Model TimberTube

round, flexible usage


Model TimberGon

edgy, practica, brilliant


Model TimberPod

even bigger and more versatile.



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